how to make Lulu Paste Recipe,Lulu Paste recipe - from the Our Family & Friends

how to make Lulu Paste Recipe,Lulu Paste recipe - from the Our Family & Friends 

how to make Lulu Paste Recipe,
how to make Lulu Paste Recipe,

3 egg yolks

3 Tbsp. sugar

3 Tbsp. vinegar

lump butter

1/4 tsp. salt

8 oz. cream cheese, softened

1 small onion , diced

1/2 medium green pepper,


1 small jar pimientos , diced

Cream yolks and sugar. Add vinegar, butter

and salt. Cook over low heat, stirring until thick.

Add cream cheese. Beat smooth. Mix with last 3 ingredients. Dip with crackers or fresh vegetables.

Mariana Woodside


wedge Blue cheese

(8 oz.) pkg. cream


(8 oz.) wedge

Cracker Barrel sharp

cheese , shredded

Tbsp. pimiento

1 Tbsp. chopped green


1 finely chopped onion

1 tsp . lemon juice

2 tsp . Worcestershire sauce dash cayenne pepper

dash pepper and salt

Mix well. Chill. Shape into balls and roll in

finely chopped parsley or pecan meal. Makes 2 large


Millie Merchant


2 lb . ground beef

1/4 c. dried parsley

1/2 tsp. garlic salt

1/2 c . catsup

1 Tbsp. instant onion

1 c . bread crumbs

2 eggs

1/4 tsp . pepper

2 Tbsp. soy sauce


1 can cranberry sauce

1 (12 oz.) bottle chili sauce

2 Tbsp. brown sugar

1 Tbsp. lemon juice

Mix all together. Roll into 1/2-inch balls (50).

Bake in 350° oven for 30 minutes. Make sauce. Sauce: Mix these ingredients well. Put Meat

Balls and sauce in chafing dish or crock -pot and simmer

for at least a half hour.

Emily Hedrick


1 c. grated Cheddar 1 Tbsp. chopped olives

cheese (sharp or (green or ripe)

medium) 1 c . mayonnaise

1 c . chopped green 1 loaf small party rye bread

onions with tops

Combine ingredients and mix well. Store in

refrigerator several hours or until ready to serve. Spread on rye bread rounds and bake in 350° oven 15

minutes . Serve warm

Claire Wollenhaupt


1 (14 oz.) can salmon 1 heaping tsp . baking powor tuna der

1/2 c. sifted flour 1 egg

dash pepper

Drain the salmon or tuna liquid into a measuring

cup. Put fish into bowl, flake it and add egg. Mix

well with fork. Add flour; mix again (it will be thick).

Add pepper. In 1/4 cup of the liquid, add baking powder. Beat with a fork until it foams up. Pour into fish

mixture and mix well. It will now be thin, but that's

the secret

Using 2 teaspoons, scoop it out with 1 spoon and

push it off with the other into deep fryer half full of

hot oil. They will be done quickly, so watch carefully.

Serve at once. Taste can be varied by adding grated onion or

garlic. They are also great served with a dip at parties.


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