How to make Dill Dip.DILL WEED DIP Continued.Dill Dip easy sour cream dill dip recipe

How to make Dill Dip. DILL WEED DIP Continued.Dill Dip  easy sour cream dill dip recipe

How to make Dill Dip.DILL WEED DIP Continued.Dill Dip (easy sour cream dill dip recipe
How to make Dill Dip.DILL WEED DIP Continued.Dill Dip (easy sour cream dill dip recipe

Blend cream cheese with sour cream and mayonnaise. Stir in onion, salt, dill weed and parsley

Chill. Makes 11/2 cups.

We like this mixture with Bugles.

Mrs. Robert Bailie


1 loaf white bread, 1 (3 oz.) pkg. cream cheese

unsliced (or bake 1/4 c. shredded sharp

frozen loaf per pack- yellow cheese (such as age instructions) Cheddar)

1/2 c. butter or Mar- 2 egg whites


Trim the crust and cut into 1-inch slices. Then cut

each slice in quarters. Melt butter and blend in

cheeses. Beat egg whites until stiff. Fold into cooled

cheese mixture. Spread bread cubes on all sides.

Refrigerate at least overnight. If preferred, squares

may be frozen at this point. Bake at 400° for about 10

to 15 minutes until nicely browned.

Note: Bread does not have to be cut in squares.

It can be pulled in pieces which will look like puffs

when baked.

Virginia Perkins


1 large pkg. (8 oz.) 2 Tbsp. minced green

cream cheese, pepper

softened 2 Tbsp. milk

1/2 c. sour cream 1 (3 oz.) pkg. chipped beef

1/2 tsp. pepper or small jar

2 Tbsp. minced onion 1/2 c. walnuts or pecans

Chop beef fine. Blend in other ingredients

except nuts. Place in an ovenproof dish and sprinkle nuts

on top. Bake at 350° for 15 minutes. Serve with

potato chips, corn chips, or crackers.

Good cold as a sandwich filling or for party

open-face sandwiches.

Charlotte Pickett


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