Cod Fish Recipe | How to cook Cod Fish with Creamy Butter Garlic Sauce


Cod Fish Recipe | How to cook Cod Fish with Creamy Butter Garlic Sauce
Cod Fish Recipe | How to cook Cod Fish with Creamy Butter Garlic Sauce


Here is my #1 dish. Viz.: — New Labrador Codfish discovered during the Caplin school.

The fish is as of now in impressive condition.

Here is the recipe:

Place a little heat pot upon a wood fire; then, at that point, take a couple of segments of fat pork, cut them up into little

pieces, and place them into the heat pot. At the point when the pork fat has liquefied, you cut the fish into a few

little pieces and place them in the pot. In around twenty minutes the fish is cooked. The fish must

be eaten from the pot with a wooden spoon.


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